
Welcome to the B. Blog! What's happening right now with me will ALL be seen here. Upcoming performances, auditions, any and everything to do with my journey as a professional actress.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015: Joy.

December 31, 2014- Joy.

Joy! It is funny when I first said that aloud to myself, I thought about that scene from Coming to America when they are in church and the camera goes to Akeem and he simply shouts "Joy"! That is a new word for my vocabulary, folks. Seriously the whole "happy" thing isn't something that I am used to. Why? Because I used to have this convoluted idea that happiness only comes when you are ready to receive it. And there I am still trucking along on my journey and I didn't think I was ready for happiness yet…there was still soooo much to be done. So take a person who is driven, overly critical of themselves,  and relationship oriented---in the end, you "end" up with a mess. A person who is trying to figure out how things will flow.

So going into 2015 I will find JOY in all that I do and I won't stand in the way of my blessings. So what is Joy to me? Well as an artist, any platform to show my artistic expression WOULD bring me so much joy. But truthfully, this is the year for career advancement for me. I know that sounds "odd" but moreso this is the first time in 5 or 6 years that my future is all about Brittney. I have been in two long term relationships, back to back, and well…let's just say I put Brittney on the back burner too long. So here is to the joy I will find in 2015 with many career, academic, and…personal advancements. 


Twitter: @Broadway_B

Monday, December 29, 2014

2015: Independence.

December 29, 2014- Independence.

Just as another one of my goals for 2015: Success; what does independence mean to you? I am not ashamed of the current situation that I am in; however, I am not complacent either. I am always going after what is better or what is next. No that does not mean I am never satisfied with what I have, it means that I don't want to miss out on anything. Being independent in 2015 is about having my own. My own voice, my opinions, my own domestically…I can go on and on. But independence means being just me. 

Having no one else to depend on except for God. And let's face it, He is the only one who has never let me down. The holidays this year was a true reflection of how much I have grown and others around me have become complacent. To them, they feel like this is ALL that they are entitled to and they are okay with it. NOW don't get me wrong, there is a thin line between being ungrateful and being complacent. Yes I have had my moments of being ungrateful, sure. But this is bigger. This is me really wanting to step out and just live for me. The thoughts of owning my own home are what fills my evenings. The thought about job promotions and nailing down my Masters and Doctorate are what fuel my every move now. My dreams CAN and WILL become a reality because I am finally in a mindset for change. 

I was falling into patterns. Don't we all? When you respond or react a certain way to every situation or you find yourself in the same situations over and over again. It's nuts…and yet it's comfort. And damn, if i was happy?! I was never happy. It was like stepping out of your body and watching you fall into a trap. Uh…step around the hole! Don't go in there! So 2015 is about avoiding the hole….taking a slight detour but ending up at your same destination…on time. (smiles)


Twitter: @Broadway_B

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Shift.

December 24, 2014- The Shift.

And today my holiday season finally commences! Rounding out December is me on an all-time high from work and with my acting career. Yes, I am have been very "mum" about  my acting endeavors but man oh man…is He working or what?? It is crazy how my life is shifting, you know? This is happy stuff is pretty cool. ;) No I am serious, taking a little time for me every day serves as the best medicine to a broken or misguided spirit. As I shift into 2015, I can start by saying 'thank you". Thank you to God, to my friends, to all the people in my corner who truly support me. Not just with WORDS but allow for their actions to speak louder. 

My paths are shifting rather quickly. Not only am I looking to be an artist that inspires people, I want to be an artist that transforms people's thinking: shift their chains of thought. Expanded their minds and perception of what art can be and do. Enlightening huh? I know I mention my past a lot in my blogs and that is mainly because the events of my past have SHAPED me so much and not always for the good.  This is the scripture I have been meditating on for the past couple of months:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Phil 3:13-14
My shift into a more positive mindset has served MOST helpful to me and has allowed me to heal. 

What am I looking forward to in 2015? Independence, Joy, and Success.  I will be elaborating on them more over the next few days…I mean since I am work free! Woot, woot!


Twitter: @Broadway_B

Tuesday, December 16, 2014



As you get older, each stage of your life is accompanied by an age and a word that is affiliated with that age. For example, when you turned 18-20 it was RESPONSIBILITY, from 21-24 it was ADULTHOOD, from 30+ it is REAL LIFE. The stage I am in is in between “adulthoodness” and real life…and the word being thrown around at us “25s and Betweens” is INTEGRITY. Doing work that will set us towards real life but it is supporting your adulthood.

Amongst all of my artists and peers that I surround myself with…there has been a huge lack of integrity in their work and work ethic. And no I am not saying that I am perfect, but I do take pride in EVERYTHING that I do. Why wouldn’t you? I really believe it has do with the generational shift between Generation Y and the “Millennials” and we are becoming lazy. And not lazy like “don’t get up off your ass” lazy but moreso… “technology is my third-leg” lazy. If it has to be done manually, it is not done at all. 

Ok, okay where am I going with this? What I am trying to say is don’t forget that whatever you give or sow, it will grow back to you that way. If you don’t take care and tend your harvest or you choose to take care it some days more than others…you will see your harvest will be weak and not as fruitful.

There are many definitions associated with the word ‘integrity’ but the one I want to focus on is: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Be honest with yourself and others. Have integrity in your work. As an adult, we can no longer throw ourselves into situations and say we didn’t have a choice or we complete it incorrectly because we didn’t have the time or just didn’t want to do it. Be upfront and honest. Communicate.

Clearly this was a vent.

That is all.



December 16, 2014-Newness.

I have been trying to right this particular entry for a while, but I have just gotten so busy lately. But that's the point---all the new things that have been arriving in my life has been so splendid and different. I have to keep checking in with myself spiritually and emotionally just to make sure I am taking it all in. LOOK---this is coming from a woman that used to FEAR things going too well or new things. I am serious. It wasn't that I would coward away from it all, but I would either avoid or even worse…sabotage it. 

But every day I believe my beacon of hope is being led down the right path. And then you ask yourself, how do you know it is the right path? Well, yes from my Christian standpoint I can say that it is God's Will; however from a universal standpoint I look at it as…anywhere that you are now that you weren't before…is where you ought to be. Which, in essence, is on the right path. You feel me? I was not sitting at my desk typing these blogs a year ago! I was not lying in my bed, a few months ago, contemplating going back to school for my Masters and Doctorate! Yes Doctorate! I wouldn't know the beauty of writing and creating grants and curricula, if I hadn't just started moving.

When people get bored, it is because they stop moving. And sure, we all move at very different pace and we are all moving towards very different goals. Believe me… each day my path is becoming more defined and oddly enough it deviates from my original plans. That is another blog. But because it is a part of my big picture, it is not like a culture shock. Roll with the road. Continue to move forward, we are meant to learn and make mistakes! Trust, we have all been through that but this is about embracing the new.


Twitter: @Broadway_B

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


December 10, 2014- Forgive.

Forgiveness is not the same as forget. Forgetting makes you stupid, forgiving makes you wise. Let me share this scripture with you: 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." It is crazy how I can learn and find in my heart to forgive those who have hurt me, tarnished me, but Brittney cannot find it in herself to forgive herself for the past. I know that "karma" is not a Christian belief or custom but I do believe in "you will reap what you sow". Sometimes we abuse the good we have because we don't realize its value. Or sometimes you think that you are more valuable than them anyways, so anything else is not better than you. Yes, that was my mindset a few years back.

I was with someone who loved me to my core and I didn't appreciate it. Not at all and even when I thought I would stop my ways and appreciate him…I didn't. I didn't because deep down I was angry and upset with myself and in my mind I thought " how in the world could someone love someone "like" me so much after all the things I have done"? Nuts, right? So I practically drilled into myself that I was not going to open up or open up my heart because I didn't think I deserved love. Things from my childhood still haunted me…and to be honest, it still does some days. Some mornings when I try rolling out of bed… I find it difficult. Ok, go ahead and shake your head but it was the truth. And another sad fact is I would personally sabotage my good. I would find a way to make it all go away even though…deep down I wanted nothing but to feel the comfort.

Now as I type I am sitting here still learning a lesson about forgiveness.  Being alone, at this point in my life, is a choice. I PURPOSEFULLY am single. And yes it is a challenge EVERY SINGLE day. Yes it is hard, but what was harder was being with someone and not being able to give 100% of me. You feel me?

Okay, okay yes that person hurt me…hurt me more than I could have fathomed but I was only reaping what I sowed. I never showed them enough appreciation, I never looked at what was right in front of me. Right in front of me…like a mirror. That person was not only someone dear to me…it was myself. I was not only hurting someone else, I was killing MY spirit. I had to learn to forgive myself for my sins. Let the past be the past. I don't know who this message is for today but please listen and realize that God has died for ALL of your sins. ALL OF THEM! As long as you have accepted him as your Lord and Savior… we are children of Christ and we are made anew. Let it go. Forgive and move on…



Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My Own Backyard.

December 9, 2014- My Own Backyard.

So much has been going on in the world lately and not just the world at large but right in my backyard. I have witnessed in the same week: home goings and life being brought into this world. I have sat amongst the company of true visionaries and have learned that my paths are directly in line in the way they achieved their goals. So before I continue I just want to pray for all of my friends who have lost love ones recently and to say congratulations to all of my friends who have found that they will be bringing life into this world and lastly and MOST importantly, Thank You God…for leading me and exposing me to the right people at the right time.
Tonight, after coming home from a very trying day at work. That typically goes hand and hand working with ALL females     -_- but nevertheless I came home and all I wanted to do was eat, take long warm bath, and read my bible. Sometimes after being absorbed in all the gossip and banter back and forth, I just want to come home to the Word. And yes I am guilty of it. Call me two-faced or whatever, but there are going to be days that you like someone and others that you don't. Right? So anyways, as I settled into my bath, the pages of my bible literally fell open to a scripture about "true worship". Highly insightful. I will be writing more on it tomorrow.

Until then…peace.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


December 7, 2014- Visionary.

Now you all know I must have been busy as hell to go without writing for almost over a week and it is true! This is the most time I have had to myself in about 2 weeks or so…soooo with all of that being said "hey y'all". What I have been exposed to over the course of the past two weeks have truly shown how much my character has developed over the past year. And the biggest revelation about me that I learned is that "I am good under pressure". Like seriously, I don't buckled or falter. Yes, I may get frustrated but bet your bottom dollar that show WILL go on and it WILL run flawlessly. 

I really haven't gone into detail about my "work-life" balance too much because I wanted to keep the artistic side and work side separate from my blogs but with things beginning to align, the two are evolving together. I am the Director of Quality Assurance for a non-profit organization called Girls Inc. It is a HUGE nationally recognized organization that specializes specifically in Girl Empowerment and Youth Development.  And I can honestly say " I love my job".  (smiles) I remember my ex telling me that "there will never a job that I love to do and will be able to sustain financially. I would have to find one or the other". Crazy, how being with you I felt that I couldn't find that…and now without you everything is working. Interesting.

Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph & Me

Nevertheless, this week was our 9th Annual People of Influence Gala and let me tell you: being amongst so many prestigious dignitaries and influential people from our community was emotionally overwhelming. Our CEO, who is the definition of a visionary, at the 11th hour placed task upon task on my plate and I did not falter. I had to write speeches and coordinate with the sound/AV people, in essence I was the show runner. I was told about 24 hours before the event that I would be speaking on behalf of the entire administration and leadership team for Girls Inc. I mean…God knew how to put me in front of the right people and have me speak on behalf of something that truly means so much to me. And I haven't even gotten to the best part!

Our guest speaker that evening was the mutli-talented actress Mrs. Sheryl Lee Ralph! And to round it off, I got to spend the ENTIRE evening with her. Not just in her presence, but one-on-one at dinner. Talking about issues that are effecting our country and our young people! It was truly a blessing… SO as I reflect on all of the frustration that I have been through over the past couple of years, this past weekend made it all worthwhile. Speaking with Mrs. Ralph showed me exactly how your path as an artist can lead you to channel and speak to millions. Her platforms of HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention are the catalyst for her work as a performer now. She creates plays on these topics and tours the country going from venue to venue, campus to campus RAISING AWARENESS! If that is NOT what I feel that I am called to do every single day, then I don't know what is.

I thank God so much for placing me in the presence of one of his children: a woman that I had the esteemed pleasure talking to and connecting with. Thank you God.
