
Welcome to the B. Blog! What's happening right now with me will ALL be seen here. Upcoming performances, auditions, any and everything to do with my journey as a professional actress.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Shift.

December 24, 2014- The Shift.

And today my holiday season finally commences! Rounding out December is me on an all-time high from work and with my acting career. Yes, I am have been very "mum" about  my acting endeavors but man oh man…is He working or what?? It is crazy how my life is shifting, you know? This is happy stuff is pretty cool. ;) No I am serious, taking a little time for me every day serves as the best medicine to a broken or misguided spirit. As I shift into 2015, I can start by saying 'thank you". Thank you to God, to my friends, to all the people in my corner who truly support me. Not just with WORDS but allow for their actions to speak louder. 

My paths are shifting rather quickly. Not only am I looking to be an artist that inspires people, I want to be an artist that transforms people's thinking: shift their chains of thought. Expanded their minds and perception of what art can be and do. Enlightening huh? I know I mention my past a lot in my blogs and that is mainly because the events of my past have SHAPED me so much and not always for the good.  This is the scripture I have been meditating on for the past couple of months:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Phil 3:13-14
My shift into a more positive mindset has served MOST helpful to me and has allowed me to heal. 

What am I looking forward to in 2015? Independence, Joy, and Success.  I will be elaborating on them more over the next few days…I mean since I am work free! Woot, woot!


Twitter: @Broadway_B

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