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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


August 20th, 2014- Duality.

Hmm…get some rest. Rest? Sleep? What is this “sleep” you speak of? But yes, the life of an Artist can be one of the most rewarding career paths to flow into. Not only are you challenging yourself creatively, you are able to thrive aesthetically as well. But we are always going! Going, going, going…. We find the “art” in everything. And that sometimes leads to your mind and body constantly running and going at like…. 120 mph! Come on, you know it is true.

So word to the wise: REST. Sleep, especially those who are dealing with the duality of “jobs”. Having your 9 to 5 and then getting off to do what you truly love to do. It’s funny, I can recall someone telling me that it is impossible to love what you do and make a living from doing it? Why that may be true for the “simple minded”, it is not for me. See, he was a Realist. And I am what you call a ‘Realistic Artist’. I be damned if I will involve myself in any job or anything that doesn’t have a higher meaning or purpose behind it. I understand that bills must be paid and all that, but there is nothing wrong in finding something that pleases both.

Right now, my bipolar life consists of Non-Profit work and Performance. Literally, I worked with young women everyday on bridging the gap between creativity and self-esteem. How freakin’ awesome is that???  Granted, my “day job” does require a lot out of me…and leaves me sort of drained when it comes to working on the acting side of things…but at least I know I am touching someone’s life. Being an influence, a role model. Goal-setter. You know?

But how can I be beneficial to anyone if I am not well-rested and charged? Hence, finding a balance. Finding healthy ways to balance your duality until you don’t have to deal with both.  And if you do…it would be by choice.

Tips to Balancing Your Duality:
  1. Always keep the "Big Picture" in mind.
  2. Drink Plenty of Water.
  3. Eat something at least every two hours…yes.
  4. Fruits, Nuts, and Veggies should become your best friend.
  5. Laugh at least 20 times a day
  6. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people
  7. Take a little time for yourself. Yes, just you.
  8. Thank God for the abilities you were given and the opportunities you are destiny to find.


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