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Wednesday, August 27, 2014


August 27th, 2014- Write. 


Sometimes don't you just want to get something out of your system, but it may not be the right thing to say "out loud" or to someone? Yes, I am sure we have all been to that point. That is why you must invest in a journal. A tape recorder or whatever…someway to vent and let out all of the negative or even positive energy you exude. In this particular instance, I am talking about writing. It is interesting how taking the time to write something out can allow for you to filter through your thoughts. It can help deescalate a situation or help you put things into perspective.I have seen people jot down ideas and the next thing you know they are full-blown novels or songs talking about the human experience or anything about social relevance. 
"Don't limit your creativity to the confines of your mind. "- Brittney S. Harris
Let it out. Even though I am a performer, one of the first lessons I was taught was to write. As artists, we have over 100 thoughts that can pass through our minds during any given day-- ideas, goals, etc. Write them down. Reflect. The best thing is going back to read what you wrote a year from now or even months from now and see that you have accomplished a goal that you set out there. Or to see that you have survived a particular situation. 

Try writing. If you ever feel blocked or trapped or lost…write about it. You don't necessarily have to share it with anyone but let that be a private moment for yourself.


Website: http://main.brittney-s-harris.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ActressBrittneySHarris

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