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Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015: Success.

January 3, 2015- Success.

This principle has taken me a while to write. Mainly because finding the words to define what "success" means is difficult. It is subjective just like most concepts and ideals. To me, success is finding joy and independence within the given circumstances I have placed upon myself. I am very goal-oriented. I keep and make "to-do" list all day long. And it brings me such reverence when I actually CHECK one off! Phew! So knowing that within the confines of 2015 I am determined to find the joy in all that I do and establish a strong sense of independence…at the end of the year I will be able to check off my list of expectations 'SUCCESS' because I achieved my goals.

I can't lie. Emotionally the year has started off "interesting" to say the least. The people I wanted to carry with me into the new year are by my side. Work is going to be more challenging than I ever imagined and going off towards my Masters is going to be even more challenging but that is what feeds my soul. A challenge. I love a challenge; I love setting goals and measures and calculating out how I will accomplish and work through them. It is all so intriguing to me.

So going into 2015 I will keep my head up, my heart strong, and my mind clear. I thank you Father God for allowing me to see another year under Your grace. I thank you for all that I have endured and learned. I thank you for the goals I will meet and the people who will grace my paths. I thank you for the clarity and peace of mind you have allow me to explore over the past year…being alone with you has been such a deliverance. I thank you for all the artists in my circle, for my family and friends. I thank you for the success of all the projects I am involved in and the people in them. I thank you for…never giving up on me and always believing in me. I thank you Lord. 

In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.


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