January 5, 2014- Starting Off Right.
I love seeing twitter and FB full of everyone's New Years Resolutions! Shoot even the people that want to be rebellious and exclaim " I don't believe in resolutions" and blah. To be honest, I love seeing people care about themselves rather than what anyone and everyone else is saying about them. This is actually the only time during the year that I don't mind seeing people be self-absorbed. LOL. No I am serious. You have to start the year off right! Start off your year with a goal in mind and try your best to attain it.
I was speaking to my good friend Stephani today and we were talking about vision walls. Remember I shared mine with you all about a few months back, but nevertheless, I was telling her that waking up and seeing what you want to accomplish on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis allows you to develop a sense of ownership. It's like "holding yourself accountable" and letting YOU be the person you must answer to if you fall short of your goals. And trust me…Brittney is one tough cookie!
A trick for starting and finishing things is giving yourself a deadline. I don't know about you, but when I was in college I worked BEST under pressure. Now don't get me wrong I hate to be last minute but I like the rush and the jolt of energy that would fill my veins when I was on a tight deadline of a day or two. On another side note, I do my best thinking at night. YEP, I am a night owl. Allllllwaaaayyyss have been. So nevertheless, set yourself on a timeline. Give yourself a certain date to be completed by. You'd be surprised how bad it feels to let yourself down…more than anyone.
Website: http://main.brittney-s-harris.com
Twitter: @Broadway_B
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