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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Versatility is Key

So, yesterday we had callbacks for Together Again for the First Time. Yeah, it went extremely well…At least I think so. Once thing about callbacks is you never know what the director is thinking. AT ALL! I was very happy that I got to read for all three roles of the daughters, which definitely shows off my range. That’s what I love about callbacks! Callbacks are all about you showing off what you can do; your emotional range and physical range ALL THAT MUMBO JUMBO, you feel me? I got some good feedback…well indirect feedback. The cast list comes out on Monday…UGH fucking Monday. Who freakin’ wants to wait until Monday, you know? Well I guess I have to.
            If there is anything that I have gained from this callback is that versatility is key. Explore different options, if you get to read for a role more than once, try something new each time. Physicality or vocally or whatever. Usually in a callback that involves a cold reading, you will paired up with different people each time, So change it up each time. For example, say your character is naive, the first time you play them play the ditzy card and then the next time, play the physicality more. Get it? If not, just keep trying. LOL!


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